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Waking Up Married - Mira Lyn Kelly

Megan wakes up with no memory of how or why she married Connor the night before. Connor remembers the whole evening and is determined to keep Megan as his wife.

Basically, the book is Megan trying to prove to Connor why they shouldn't be married, and Connor trying to prove why they 'work' so well together and should stay married. And should I mention it has nothing to do with love? This is main reason I didn't like this book as much. The second Connor realizes Megan is in love with him, never-mind the fact she never comes right out and agrees to the whole no-love thing, he starts withdrawing from her and treating her coldly. AFTER he tries to be the perfect husband. This bugs me on so many levels. He knows she has been hurt by the numerous stepfathers through the years who did basically the same thing. Heck, his own father did the same thing to his mother. And lets not forget that he promised her as many children as she wanted into this loveless marriage. Grr.

Of course, by the end when she leaves his, he realizes he did love her. So he comes after her & sweeps her off her feet. And she is SO happy he did. I like reading mindless romances, I do. But this just didn't work for me.