I received a copy of Wayward from the publisher through Net Galley. This had no bearing or influence on my review.
I LOVED Wayward vol. 1. I am anxiously waiting for volume to be announced, so then I can get antsy waiting for it to be released. I might just break my own rule and buy the individual issues. It was that good!
The story starts with Rori, a half Japanese/Irish, arriving in Tokyo to start living with her mom. This is also the first time we see her 'strings'; glowing ribbons that lead her to here she needs to go/be. Soon she runs into the crazy girl, the bad boy (who eats spirits), and another young boy with odd abilities. There are some monsters and a mysterious figure that seems to have a connection to them.
As much as I find the story and the drop dead gorgeous artwork enthralling, I can't describe the story. I just can't. There is so much going on all at once; I'm not 100% what is taking place. Except for the end, but that's a spoiler. *shh* Hopefully the next collection will shed some light on some of the actions happening.
4.5 Stars